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The doors of True Love Apostolic Faith Church were opened on Friday, April 18, 1995.  The church was then located in a small, storefront building located at 1313 ½ W. Gore Boulevard.  In attendance at that inaugural service were the Pastor, 1st Lady, and their five children.


One year later, the church relocated to its current address, 420 SW G Avenue.  However, there was much work to be done.  The building, in its original state, had two separate areas.  The front foyer housed one bathroom and a kitchenette.  The larger area was simply a garage-like room with concrete floors and aluminum siding walls.  There was no pulpit, no offices, no baptismal, and not even any pews.  A quick glance around now will confirm the blessings of God.  Soon a pulpit and baptismal were constructed; carpet was laid.  The brothers, working together in unity, erected walls and built offices.  God, working through others, provided pews.  God continued to bless and a fellowship area was added to the edifice.


Not only has the edifice prospered and grown; but, so has the body of Christ.  Membership has increased drastically from the original seven.  Being located in a military town, we have seen many come and go.  Yet, God continues to bless and add to the church daily such as should be saved. We are now expectantly anticipating and enjoying the “overflow”.


In addition to its regular weekly services, True Love has been blessed to offer classes through a growing bible college affiliated with Aenon Bible College.


True Love has been, and will continue to be, the place where “the word of God is preached, and Love is the way of life”.  We pride ourselves on being a place where one can experience the sweet and anointed movement of God’s spirit; the place were souls can come and be saved; the place where Jesus is exalted and wonderful things do happen!

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